Past Reflections and Future Aspiratio...

Past Reflections and Future Aspirations with Slip N' Slide Records CEO Ted Lucas

When you immerse yourself in something that you love and it becomes
successful, it is easy to lose track of everything and get caught up in
the moments. Time flies when you are on your hustle and building a
foundation towards something special and a look back years later can
often be eye opening. In speaking with Slip N’ Slide Records CEO Ted Lucas, a trip down memory lane comes with much humility, surprise, and overall appreciation from the Miami native.
Currently celebrating it’s 15th year Anniversary, Slip N’ Slide Records has left a lasting imprint in the industry while also playing a key role towards putting Miami on the map in the music world. Currently Slip N’ Slide is dealing with their star artists Rick Ross, Plies, and Trina while also grooming their next wave of stars for the future. 
From humble beginnings, Lucas would turn a far fetched dream into a reality when he first got Slip N’ Slide
off the ground in 1993. Back then Lucas admits that his main priority
in life was simply staying out of trouble and he didn’t really know
where his life was headed. An early friendship with Trick Daddy
would go on to blossom into something beautiful, however, as they
poured their talents, ideas, and work ethics into a grand vision. 
the years have come and gone, the learning lessons have come in
abundance for Lucas, who speaks with a gritty resolve and a sharp
intellect when discussing his memories associated from music. Lucas has
had to be both hardened and compassionate along the way and his
understanding of the intricacies of the music world is pretty

Speaking with 24 Hour Hip Hop on a
bright day in March, Lucas was laid back and reflective as he discussed
everything that his journey in life has encompassed. Lucas opened up
about his childhood days, the early years for Slip N’ Slide, his best
memories over time, and his thoughts towards the future in this candid
exclusive. In his own words, these are the Past Reflections and Future
Aspirations of Ted Lucas

Getting Serious…
“My love from music came from
growing up in the streets and wanting to do something with my life.
Just growing up in Miami, music was always big here and I was drawn to
it. On one hand I was just trying to take care of my family the right
way and stay out of trouble but there was a part of me that wanted
more. I was just trying to stay out of prison and honestly at times I
didn’t know what I was doing with my life. There was always something
going on here and I really believed I could do something in the
industry, whether it was being a manager, artist, or creating a record label. I started doing club promotions back in 1992 and that’s when I really got serious about everything.”
Opportunity of a Lifetime…
time went by I came across Trick Daddy and later took things further
and started Slip N’ Slide Records. I saw it as an opportunity of a
lifetime and did everything I could to make it successful. It wasn’t a
regular job to me because I really enjoyed being in the music business.
It was a blessing to be able to do something you love and make good
money from it too. Through the grace of God I was able to make a dream

Changing Lives…
“To me, being in this business
isn’t as much about making money as it is changing someone’s life. For
example when you sign an artist like Trick Daddy, who came from a
family with fifteen different kids, and see him have success is truly
something special. When he came out prison he didn’t have anything but
the collar on his back and to see him accomplish what he accomplished
where he came from is pretty inspiring. I can say the same about
watching Trina, Rick Ross, and Plies also succeed. That makes me
excited. Record sales come and go but to really help someone with their
life means everything to me.”

Getting Past the Stereotypes…
“There are a lot
of things I had to get past in order to really accomplish what I
wanted. I remember years back when I went to an executive meeting with
a major record label and I knew from the minute they looked at me that
I was being judged the wrong way. I met up with this president of the
label and I could tell that he didn’t want to deal with me or write me
a check just because of the way that I looked. Just being able to
overcome those stereotypes in it was big to me. I’ve ended up doing
business with all the major record labels after that and it’s been a

Making It Happen…
“There are a lot of things
that I have to do for my artists on a daily basis. I might be in New
York once a week, every week. People think that once they get a record deal
that they are part of something big and they have it made but it
doesn’t work like that. You have to repeat the things that got you to
that point if you really want to make it happen. I realize that it
takes hard work everyday if you want to make it in this business. I try
to wake up around 5 AM every morning and pray for everything that I am
thankful for. I’m always in my office looking for the next artist and
creating that next record to really break through. Whatever needs to be
done I am willing to do and I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty in
order to make it happen.”

Going About Your Business…
“You have to go about
your business the right way in this industry. I always tell people in
this game to have a good attorney on your side. You also have to look
over your contracts and realize that once you start making money you
need to manage it properly. At the end of the day everything you are
doing is towards the next record you are pushing for. People forget
that there is a reason this is called the music business, because it
truly is a business and you have to know everything you can and watch
your back at all times.”

A New Foray for Drew Sidora…
“I’ve been knowing
Drew Sidora for a while now and I was familiar with her back when she
was on television. She is entering a new foray but I feel that she can
be just as successful in the music industry as she was on the
television. I’m very excited about her potential. I’ve happy to be
working with her and excited to see what she can bring to the music

The Reggae Influence of Camar…
“I tell everybody that after fifteen years in this business I have been able to accomplish a lot dealing primarily with rap artists.
Now I am spreading our wings and I realize that down here in Miami
there is a big Caribbean influence and people really like reggae. Just
like I enjoy listening to 2Pac, people down here love Reggae. Having a
reggae artist like Camar on the label can be greatly beneficial. He’s
just a hard working cat who is very humble and he’s trying to make it. 
He had some hits in Jamaica and he had a record over there that was
causing a lot of buzz and we decided to look into him joining our
label. We wanted to bring him to the states and help his career grow.”

No Limitations for Qwote…
“Qwote is our pop
artist. He has a voice that is just incredielbe. A lot of people
thought that he was a white guy when we first released his record
because his voice is so unique. He had a great song with Plies, called
‘808’ and his name is really getting out there. I think the sky is the
limit for what he is able to accomplish.”

Getting ready for Shonie…
“Shonie is the first R
& B artist out of Miami to really take things to the next level.
There are a lot of artists down in this area who try to do it and some
have accomplished a lot but as far as this upcoming generation of new,
young artists I think Shonie has the capability of representing Miami
in the same way that Rick Ross does for Hip Hop. I think from the R
& B side, she is the real deal and people better get ready for her.”

Remembering Trina…
“I remember Trina from way
back when she was in high school and I definitely know where she came
from. I remember her Mother raising her and she became a great young
lady. What people don’t realize is that Trina worked hard everyday. She
worked towards constantly getting shows booked across the country.
She’s a great performer and she isn’t above performing at some joint on
the corner, either. Anywhere she goes she is sure to be a hit. She has
put a lot into her career and she’s overcome her ups and downs and
through everything she has always been real.”

Brotherly Love Towards Trick Daddy…
“That’s my
brother right there. Just like brothers you are always going to fight
and put each other through hell but it’s always love at the end of the
day. That’s my brother and I love him. Trick Daddy is one of the ones
who was there when we first started. He had just gotten out of jail and
I believed in his abilities and what he said about wanting to be one of
the best rappers in the game. A lot of rappers today have gotten their
style from Trick Daddy and he has played a huge role towards
influencing music down South.”

Creating a Vision with Rick Ross…
“When I signed
Rick Ross I felt that he was ahead of his time and I knew he was going
to go on to be something special. Rick Ross has been on my label for a
long time and I kept working for him over the years because I knew he
had a lot to give to the game. The vision I had for him is exactly what
you see now. As long as he keeps his head on straight there is no limit
to what he can accomplish. They call him the boss and when I first
signed him I already knew what he was about.”

The Realness of Plies…
“What set Plies apart is
that he is no different than that dude who is on the street corner
right now. You can relate to Plies because what he is talking about and
saying are the same things that some dude on the streets is going
through right now. People can relate to Plies because he has gone
through it. He keeps it real and raw and he deals with real life
situation. A girl can relate to what he talks about and a guy can also
relate to what he says as well.”

Working with Pitbull…
“We are in the process of
working something out with Pitbull for a one album deal. Pitbull has
brought a lot of hard work and dedication to the game and we are trying
to put this album together for him. I definitely feel like he has been
able to receive a response for the things he has been able to do.”

Putting Faith in God…
“First of all, I fear God
before anything else. A lot of people don’t understand that. I don’t
put my trust in my fellow man or my business partners. I put my faith
in God and I feel that he is my provider. To anybody who wants to know,
anything is possible if you put your faith in God. That’s the best
advice I could give anybody. There are people all over the place who
can have their life changed if they put their faith in God.”

Another Dude from the Neighborhood…
“I was just
another dude out of the neighborhood with some big ideas and some
desire and I was just trying to stay out of trouble and do something
with my life. God opened up doors for me and it’s been amazing that I
was able to accomplish the things I was able to accomplish. I couldn’t
have imagined how things have played out. I’ve just had a lot of great
people around me and I’ve been able to help a lot of great people as
well. It’s gave me a great understanding and taught me a lot along the
way. It’s been a great blessing and I don’t take it for granted.”

Love for Miami…
“I’m going to take these words
from a DJ who many know; he goes by the name of DJ Khaled. In his words
he says ‘We the Best’. I believe that Miami is the best. It’s a
beautiful city. It’s sunny outside and you can see the Palm Trees
breezing if you look out the window. You can go out on your boat and
relax a little if you like or you can take a trip to the hood or go to
the club if you like. It’s a beautiful city and it allows you to see
music and life through all kinds of different angles and perspectives.
There are so many different genres of music that you are able to take
in a place like Miami because it’s very diverse.”

Where I am Today…
“My experience with Slip N’
Slide has made me humble. It made me a better person along the way. I
knew a lot of people who were involved in the wrong things and doing
the wrong type of business and that wasn’t where I wanted to go with my
life. I understand how music could impact my life from the beginning
and it helped me grow up and be a man. It taught me a lot and God put
me in situations where I had to go through trials and tribulations but
I overcame them and it lead me to where I am today. It gave me belief
in the future and I believe my job is to hang on to the music and help
people in the future.”

Questions and Comments can be sent to Chris at

For more information on Slip N’ Slide Records, please visit



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